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Picking Your Way Through the Spread

The mouth is naturally associated with food and eating. But so is the hand. From preparing food, to cooking it, to serving it, to eating it, and even to washing up, the hands and the culinary tools they wield are very much a part of the phenomenon of food.

On this site, you will find this connection to food with both the hand and the mouth. They are found in the short pieces crafted and cooked up by me. I call each of them a 1-Minute NomNom.There are many ways you can explore and discover these 1-Minute NomNoms. You could start by digging into the type of food that you might like such as noodles. Or if you prefer, you can explore their underlying science such as temperature, Hooke’s Law and hydrocarbons. Each of them takes only a minute.

Many of these 1-Minute NomNoms are about the science behind them. But food is also inextricably tied with the human experience. So you could also choose to explore the 1-Minute NomNoms through culture and design, both of which can span across geography, history and yummy recipes!

Of course, don’t forget you can also do a search or explore by concepts. Just click on the links in the sidebar or at the bottom of this page.


I guess you could say that, together, these 1-Minute NomNoms are the amazing phenomena we see around this wonderful world of ours. And there is no better way to have fun doing this than through food!

Nom Appetit!


photo: mediaphotos/istockphoto


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